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Showing posts with label H. Show all posts

Neolife Products for Supporting Hysterectomy Recovery

 The surgical removal of the uterus.


Feminine Herbal Complex (1x3)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x3)  

Vitamin C (s.r) / All C (1x3)  

Formula IV Plus (1x2)

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Managing Hyperthyroidism

 Mostly in women, this condition involves the underproduction of hormones by the thyroid gland, leading to lowered cellular metabolism.


Chelated Zinc (1x2)  

Chelated Iron (1x2)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Feminine Herbal Complex (1x2)  

Formula IV Plus (1x1)

Neolife Products for Managing Hyperactivity in Children

 A disorder of certain mechanisms in the central nervous system that affects children and some adults. Symptoms may include fidgetiness, disruptiveness, aggression, frustration, and difficulty concentrating


Vita Guard (1x2)  

Vita Squares (1x3)  

Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus (2x3)  

Chelated Cal-Mag (1x3)  

Vitamin C (s.r) / All C (1x3)  

Herbal Rest & Relax (1x1)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Note: Avoid flavorants, colorants, preservatives, and reduce sugar intake.

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Balancing Hormones

 Imbalanced distribution of a chemical substance formed in some organs of the body (such as the ovary or adrenal glands) and carried to another organ or tissue where it has a specific effect


Feminine Herbal Complex (1x2)  

Formula IV Plus (1x2)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x1)  

Pro-Vitality Plus (1x1)  

Nutrishake (2 Headed Scoops)  

Vitamin E Caps (1x2)  

Ami-Tone (1x3)

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Managing Herpes

 A virus disease of the skin is characterized by the eruption of small blisters on the skin.


Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x2)  

Vitamin C (s.r) / All C (2x3)  

Chelated Zinc (1x3)

Best Neolife Products for Supporting Hepatitis Mgt

 Jaundice (chronic) is characterized by a yellowing of the skin and eyes due to excess bilirubin in the blood, often linked to liver issues.


Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x3)  

Vitamin C (s.r) / All C (2x3)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Beta-Guard (2x3)  

Pro-Vitality Plus (1x1)  

Chelated Zinc (1x2)  

Smart 8 (1x2)

Neolife and GNLD Products for Treating Hemorrhoids and Piles

 Ruptured veins located around the anus (koko in Twi, Jedijedi in Yoruba)


Smart 8 (1x3)  

Fibre Tabs (4x3)  

Chelated Cal-Mag (1x3)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Vitamin C (s.r) / All C (2x3)  

Aloe Vera Plus  

Formula IV Plus (1x2)  

Garlic Allium Complex (1x2)

Neolife Products for Managing Heart Palpitations

 The heart beating rapidly or in an abnormally fast way


Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x3)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x2)  

Chelated Cal-Mag (1x3)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Multi (1x1)  

Lipotropic (1x3)

Neolife Products for Managing Heat-Related Issues

 Abnormal feeling of extreme hotness or warmth:


Garlic Allium Complex (1x3)  

Carotenoid Complex (1x3)  

Vitamin E Caps (1x2)  

Flavonoid Complex (1x2)  

Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus (1x3)  

Vitamin C (s.r) / All C (1x3)  

Fibre Tabs (4x3 with lots of pure water)  

Pro-Vitality Plus (1x1)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x1)  

Lipotropic (2x2)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Relieving Heartburn

 Typically associated with pregnant women:


Smart 8 (1x3)  

Fibre Tabs (4x3)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x3)  

Aloe Vera Plus (50 ml)  

Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus (1x3)  

Lipotropic (1x3)  

Pro-Vitality Plus (1x1)

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Relieving Headaches

 A continuous pain in the head, often caused by fever, can be managed with the following:


Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x3)  

Chelated Cal-Mag (1x3)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Aloe Vera Plus (50 ml)  

Omega-3/Omega 3 Plus (1x3)

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Managing Hay Fever

 The inflammation of the eyes and the upper respiratory tract, often caused by an allergic reaction to pollen from grasses and trees, can be managed with the following:


Beta-Guard (1x2)  

Pro-Vitality Plus (1x1)  

Carotenoid Complex (1x3)  

Herbal Respiratory Formula

Best Neolife and GNLD Products for Enhancing Hair Glow

 Short hair growth or baldness


Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x2)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x3)  

Vitamin C (S.R.) / All C (1x3)  

Carotenoid Complex (1x3)  

Chelated Zinc (1x2)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Nutrishake / Protein Powder

Neolife and GNLD Products for Supporting Hemophilia Mgt

 A condition in which the blood fails to clot quickly enough causing prolonged uncontrollable bleeding from even the smallest cut.


Cal-Mag (1x3)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x3)  

Vitamin C (S.R.) / All C (2x3)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x2)

Neolife and GNLD Products for Supporting Hernia Recovery

 A condition in which the stomach pushes or herniates upwards through an opening in the thorax.


Smart 8 (1x2)  

Aloe Vera Plus (50ml daily)  

Multi-Mineral & Alfalfa (1x2)  

Chelated Zinc (1x3)  

Vitamin A&D (2x3)  

Vitamin B Complex (S.R.) (1x2)  

Tre-en-en (1x3)  

Vitamin C (S.R.) / All C (1x3)  

Formula IV Plus (1x1)